Monday 9 April 2012

Andrew Shearer (Shetland South)

I was born and bred on a wee croft on the Pentland Firth, the sixth son of seven.  I left school at 15, no qualifications, joined the Royal Navy (as most did in Caithness due to lack of opportunities), later laboured in Dounreay, became a trade-union shop steward for labourers, and at 29 went to College and the education tread-mill that led to my present job as Principal Teacher of RME and Modern Studies in Anderson High School. I came to faith at 36 having seen both sides of life, from the bottom up both in terms of my moral and economic position in life.

Where I stand ...

Living in Hoswick, I do not want your vote, unless your desire is for real CHANGE in YOUR COUNCIL.  

I do want your vote however if real CHANGE in terms of stability and decision-making is concerned is what you want.   I stand on Biblical values and I want to apply these traditional values to Shetland politics, culture and belief     I want  this new Council to be different from previous Councils, not lurching from moral crisis to moral crisis, but being defined by its moral authority in its decisions.

Justice and Fairness

These key principles ought to be at the heart of all our policy-making decisions in your Council Chamber. These ought to be principles we act on in all areas of your Council.    Just because decisions or actions are legal, it does not make them morally right.


I welcome the investment in the new abattoir for Shetland crofters and farmers.    However the next Council needs to listen to the concerns of our crofters and farmers so that our abattoir does not go the same way as the one in Orkney.    The Shetland ‘brand’ is unique, and Shetland food of every description must continue to be invested in by our Council.    Our farmers and crofters simply cannot compete with the exploitative returns being forced on their industry by big business.    Coming from a rural background, I appreciate the hardships crofters have undergone these last decades.    In ‘proclaiming the Lordship of Christ’ we acknowledge that the beasts on a thousand hills are His, and by His grace, we endeavour to prosper the good gifts God has given us in these islands.

Wind Farms

I support the recent plans by Freelight (Shetland) Ltd to the local small windfarm venture. Like most Shetlanders I have not been entirely convinced by the proposals for a large wind farm. However, the decision has been made and for the sake of the rewards that can come to the Shetland community, and the political stability of the new Council, I would be committed to seeing this through in the next Council. It is neither in the interests of our reputation elsewhere, or another on-going saga of indecision to continue fruitless and damaging opposition.

I am standing as a member of the Scottish Christian Party because I am nailing my beliefs and values to the mast. I appreciate that there is a culture in Shetland for standing as ‘Independents’. However, we all have beliefs, (political, moral and spiritual) and they do not stay at home when we make Council decisions. For that reason I call on all so-called ‘Independent’ candidates to proclaim their foundational values, beliefs, and allegiances.

I am committed to supporting short crossings from Sumburgh to the North of Scotland, providing both jobs and business opportunities in the South Mainland. Pentland Ferries have looked closely at this route, and have a keen interest in operating there in the foreseeable future.
In the delivery of education across Shetland, I would like to see the Council adopt a model that is less centralised in Hayfield House, and uses the skills and expertise of the promoted staff in all our schools.   The new Mareel also offers tremendous opportunities for attracting students (and income) from Scotland and Internationally.

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